Monday, 24 June 2019

The Risks And Effects Of Mixing Alcohol And Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are very popular amongst the general population, especially amongst teenagers. With the rise in the trend of consumption of such energy drinks which are high in caffeine, there has also been a significant rise in the trend of mixing such energy drinks with alcohol to make alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol mixed along with energy drinks helps mask the taste of the alcohol as well as give the person drinking the opportunity to stand on their feet longer than one could by directly consuming such alcohol. Energy drinks make for great substitutes for dilution of alcohol. However, they are not good for the body and can seriously affect one’s health and in rare cases, even cause death.

What are energy drinks?

Energy drinks are beverages which are high in their caffeine content. They also have other ingredients such as vitamin B, sugar, guarana, and taurine. Energy drinks are often advertised to be safe for consumption and give the drinker a boost in his or her mental or/and physical stimulation.

Energy drinks are said to contain 40 to 240 grams of caffeine in them. Although energy drinks are known to provide for physical as well as mental stimulation, their consumption can also cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and thickening of the blood.

Since energy drinks themselves can affect the body so severely, it shall come as no surprise that mixing such energy drinks with alcohol can also have consequences dire to the health of the person who is consuming such a mixture. Thus, the article further explains the effects and risk factors of mixing alcohol with energy drinks.

Effects Of Mixing Alcohol And Energy Drinks

Even though a popular trend, mixing alcohol with energy drinks is not an ideal concoction for your drinking days. The ill effects of energy drinks themselves are serious enough. However, such a mixture of alcohol with energy drinks is a toxic concoction.

The effects of mixing alcohol with energy drinks are-

Being wide awake drunk: Mixing the drinks creates two kinds of stimulations, one where the alcohol makes the brain fuzzy and sleepy, and the second where the caffeine makes the brain active, this results in a person being wide awake drunk and also at risk of consuming more alcohol than they should.

Alcohol poisoning: Mixing alcohol with energy drinks can also cause alcohol poisoning and would require a trip to the ER for pumping of the stomach.

Alcohol overdose: One may even end up overdosing on alcohol if they do not have a check on the amount of alcohol (mixed or not) they consume. This could be fatal if immediate attention is not given.

Risky behavior: Being wide awake drunk also encourages risky behaviour such as doing things that could put your life in danger and things you would not normally do.

Caffeine overdose: Caffeine overdose can seriously affect a person and can give them problems such as Sleep Disorders, mental disorders, etc.

Risks Of Alcoholic Energy Drinks

Drinking alcohol as a social predicament is something everyone has heard of once in a while. However, there are a few risk factors attached to it that can encourage risky behaviors that could place your life in jeopardy. The Risk factors of alcoholic energy drinks that encourage people to take up drinking are-

  • Peer pressure
  • Sense of belonging
  • Binge drinking
  • Low self-esteem/ self-worth
  •  High-stress levels

Problem of teenage drinking  

The common age group that is affected due to such mixing of alcohol and energy drinks are teenagers and young adults. The effects of alcohol on teenagers and young adults are very dangerous and can seriously harm their health.
It has been studied that when such mixing of alcohol and energy drinks occurs, it creates the same kind of stimulation that cocaine would create. Those consuming such a mixture are putting not only themselves but also people around them at risk as it increases the possibility of such behavior that could be life-threatening.

As mentioned above, such a mixture can create a stimulation similar to the one caused by cocaine. This affects the brain and hampers with a person’s thinking, which may even continue into their adult lives. The person may not even be able to feel good in circumstances which are joyous as the brain could become numb to any kind of emotion.


Everything Health is a motto that every person should live by. Social drinking is a norm accepted worldwide as well as a norm that does not affect a person’s health seriously, as the body is healthy enough to recover from at least one night of abuse. However, constantly subjecting yourself to such a habit could seriously affect your health and your relationships with your loved ones as well. Therefore, take immense care in matters such as these.

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Thursday, 20 June 2019

Natural Remedies That Can Help You Get Rid Of Neck Pain

Usually, when someone says the phrase ‘pain in the neck’, they are usually denoting to a person who they cannot stand or someone they cannot handle without losing their calm.

However, sometimes ‘pain in the neck’ is not a phrase and simply a sentence where the person could be in severe discomfort due to the pain being caused in the neck. What could be the reasons for such pain, what all are the home remedies and exercises you can try to get rid of the neck pain, are provided in the article below.

Causes of neck Pain

There are a few basic reasons as to why one may experience pain in the neck. These following reasons are basic in nature and do not relate to symptoms of other chronic diseases.

  • Bad sleeping posture
  • Tension and or stress
  • Long hours of leaning or lying down on a very soft mattress Bad body posture

Home Remedies For Neck Pain Relief

The best way to get rid of neck pain is chiropractic care. However, given below are some home remedies that can be quite effective Treatment Of Neck Pain and can provide for relief from neck pain and they are-

Yoga: Many times, neck pain is caused due to being in stress. Yoga such a meditation and body stretches can help reduce that stress. You can also try asanas such as Balasana, Savasna, etc.

Essential oils: Make a mixture of essential oils with warm olive oil and slowly massage it around the area of the neck where it hurts. Do this twice a day.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture therapy is widely recognized to get rid of any kind of body pain. Needles are inserted at certain strategic points which target nerves which help get rid of the pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Take a bit of apple cider vinegar on a tissue or hand towel and massage it around the area of pain in the neck. It is an effective remedy and is recommended by many. Use it for an hour or so, and do it twice a day.

Message therapy: Use coconut, mustard or olive oil and massage the area of the neck that pains. It helps unknot the tissues and the muscles, thereby giving a relieving sensation.

Ice packs: Ice packs are known to reduce inflammation and reduce the soreness in the muscles. Use ice packs to the area that hurts. Do this 3 to 4 times a day.

Vitamins: Vitamin deficiency could also be a reason for pain in the neck. Therefore, take vitamin supplements if the need arises.

Epsom salts: Epsom salts help in increasing the blood circulation as well as relaxing the muscles and reducing stress. Therefore, mix them with your bath water and soak yourself in it for 15 to 20 minutes. Do this two times a day.

Neck collar: You can also use neck collars to help keep your neck in a particular posture to ensure that sudden movement does not make the pain worse.

Exercises For Neck Pain Relief

Another quite effective home technique is to do some Neck Back Pain Exercise at home itself, try the following exercises to get rid of neck pain-

Neck tilt: For this exercise, you will have to keep your head straight and slowly bring down your chin to touch your chest. Hold the position until 5 seconds and slowly go back to the original position. Do this exercise 5 to 10 times.

Side to side neck tilt: For this exercise, you will have to keep your head straight and slowly tilt your neck towards one shoulder. Stay in this the position for 5 seconds and come back to the original position slowly. Repeat the same for the other side. Do this exercise 5 times for each side.

Neck turn: For this exercise, you will have to keep your head straight and slowly tilt your head sideways. Wait for 5 seconds and come back to the original position slowly. Repeat the same for the other side. Do this exercise 5 times for each side.

Neck stretch: For this exercise, hold your body straight and push your chin forward and stretch your throat upwards. Hold the position for 5 seconds. Come back to the original position slowly. Do this exercise 5 to 10 times.


If you believe in the phrase Everything Health, you need to ensure that you take care of your body in every manner possible. That means not taking ample amounts of stress, having the right body posture, Healthy Habits Of Eating, etc. If you are facing any sort of neck pain, try the home remedies and exercises mentioned above. However, if they do not work, it would be in your best interest to visit the doctor.

Related Articles-
  1. Sleep Deprivation and how to treat it.
  2. The causes of lower back pain and its treatment.

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Mobile No.- +91 978-395-9155


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

The Causes Of Lower Back Pain And It’s Treatment

Lower back pain is common amongst many adults. It is one of the biggest excuses used to get a day off of work or even a reason for many to stay in bed and not go about their everyday activities. However, what if the pain is actually real? Where is the pain such that it is actually making it difficult for the person to perform his or her everyday functions?

Lower back aches can be caused due to the most minor of reasons and mostly effect adults. It is not a common trait seen in children. The ones who are most bothered by it are adults above the age of 45.

As mentioned above, there are many reasons for lower back pains. The article seeks to highlight a few causes and symptoms of lower Back Pain as well as the diagnosis and treatment of lower back pain.

Causes Of Lower Back Pain

The causes of lower back pain can range from very basic issues but can as well as definite some serious health issue. Some of the causes are-

Strain: Strain on the back is one of the main causes of lower back pain. This affects a person when a person puts more than an amount of strain on the back, which the back usually cannot take.

Structural problems: Structural problems such as ruptured disks, building disks, sciatica, arthritis, abnormal curvature of the spine, osteoporosis, kidney problems could also result in lower back pain.

Movement and posture: Movements such as coughing, twisting, and postures such as bending in a wrong manner, straining the neck, etc. can also be causes of lower back pain.

Spine-related causes: spine related causes such as Cancer of the spine or infection on the spine can also result in lower back pains.

Sleep disorders: Symptoms Of Sleeping Disorder can also cause lower back pains.

Shingles: Infection affecting the nerves can also cause lower back pain because the spine is connected with the help of nerves.

Symptoms Of Lower Back Pain

Usually, the lower back pain goes away after some time. However, there are a few symptoms which are attached with lower back pain which make it necessary for you to visit the doctor and some of those symptoms of lower back pain are-

Weight loss: Weight loss combines with lower back pain could be an indicator of a serious health issue in connection to the spine.

Fever: Fever, along with lower back pain, could be an indicator of some disease spreading within the body.

Swelling of the back: If your back swells up and is accompanied by lower back pain, visit the doctor immediately.

Pain in legs: Spinal problems usually extend from the back to the legs. Therefore, pain in the legs could be an indicator of the same.

Difficulty in urinating: The spine has an important function, especially in removing toxic waste from the body as it helps control the nerves around the excretory systems.

Numbness around the genital area: Since the nerves around the excretory system are controlled by the spine, you may feel numb around these areas.

Lower Back Pain Diagnosis

While visiting a doctor for a case of lower back pain, the doctor may take the following recourse to get a lower back pain diagnosis-

X-rays: The doctor may ask you to get an X-Ray of your back to make a diagnosis as to what could be the reason for such pain.

MRIs or CT scans: Similar to the above; the doctor could also ask for MRI or CT scans.

Bone scans: Bone scans help in detecting bone tumours and compression fractures usually caused by osteoporosis.

Electromyography: The technique helps in detecting whether there are any compressions within the spinal cord, which is resulting in such pain.

Lower Back Pain Treatment

If any person is suffering from lower back pain, the doctor may ask such a person to try the following lower back pain treatment techniques-

Medications: If the over the counter medications do not work, the doctor may prescribe medication to help relieve the Neck And Back Pain Treatment. In some occasions, muscle relaxants are also used.

Physical therapy: The doctor may even recommend physical therapy, physical therapy includes applying heat, ice, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to help release the back muscles and tissue, which may help in reducing the pain.

Cortisone injection: If the above options do not work, an anti-inflammatory drug may be injected around the spinal cord in the epidural space.

Traction: Pulleys and weights may be used to stretch the back and make it relax.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Helps in dealing with chronic back pain, which is caused by the way a person is thinking. The therapy tries to encourage new ways of thinking in such a person.


Lower back pain can be very problematic for many as it interferes with their day to day functions. Everything Health requires control over certain activities to ensure that one does not have to suffer from lower back pain. There are few other factors such as smoking, body weight, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and bad posture that can affect a person and can cause lower back pain. Therefore, ensure to not dwell into such habits which can cause your lower back pain.

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Mobile No. +91 978-395-9155


Friday, 14 June 2019

Sleep Deprivation Causes And How To Treat It

Sleep deprivation is quite common amongst people in this generation. It is caused when a person is not able to get enough sleep to function properly without being tired in their everyday lives. Everything Health requires that a person is able to get the amount of sleep he or she requires to function to their fullest capabilities.

The amount of sleep a human being requires depends on person to person. However, an average person should at least get 7 to 8 hours of sleep on a daily basis. Young adults or even adults until the age of 55- 60 can function well on 5 to 6 hours of sleep as well. However, children and older people are more vulnerable to sleep deprivation if they do not get to 7 to 8 hours of sleeping time.

It is no doubt that getting enough sleep is pertinent. The article in the following sections highlights the Sleeping Problems Causes, symptoms, and risk factors of sleep deprivation. The article also provides for measures one can take if they are suffering from sleep deprivation.

Sleep Deprivation Causes

There are many reasons why individuals suffer from sleep deprivation. The following are a few sleep deprivation causes.

Intentional sleep deprivation: Intentional sleep deprivation for various causes such as catching up with work, hanging out with friends, doing some extra reading.

Depression: Anxious thoughts, which are a common symptom of depression, can cause sleep deprivation.

Obstructive sleep apnea: It is a sleeping disorder which makes the person who is asleep feel like they are not breathing anymore, often waking them up while sleeping.

Hormone imbalances: Hormone imbalances can also cause sleep deprivation as hormones play a vital role in the proper functioning of the body.

Other chronic illnesses: Chronic illnesses can also affect the body in such a way that sleep deprivation could be a symptom of such chronic illness.

Symptoms Of Sleep Deprivation

There are a lot of symptoms that are associated with a person who is sleep deprived. Some of the sleep deprivation symptoms are-
  • Yawning
  • Fatigue
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty in grasping new concepts
  • Depressed mood
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Lack of motivation
  • Increased appetite
  • Clumsiness
  • Reduced sex drive

Risk Factors Of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is very important for the human body. We have now highlighted the causes and symptoms of sleep deprivation. Now, we look at the risk factors of sleep deprivation–

Serious health conditions: A person with sleep deprivation could have serious health issues, especially in relation to the heart and blood pressure.

Obesity: Since sleep deprivation can increase the appetite of a person, he or she may start to put on weight, which can ultimately lead to obesity.

Depression: Sleep deprivation can cause a person to have Anxiety Attack Symptoms, which can become a symptom of depression.

Premature aging of the skin: Skin cells repair while a person is sleeping. Lack of sleep can result in premature aging of the skin.

Increases the chances of premature death: Since sleep deprivation causes one or any of the above problems, it increases the risk of premature death as well.

Sleep Deprivation Treatment

Sleep deprivation treatment is only required in such cases where the person is physically not able to go to sleep. Therefore, if you are suffering from sleep deprivation caused intentionally, you will have to start sleeping on time, and your body clock will start to set itself in accordance to that.

Medical treatments for sleep deprivation are-

Relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques involve tensing and untensing the muscles so as to calm down the body, which will help the body go to sleep.

Stimulation control: Stimulation control involves controlling activities prior to bedtime so as to ensure that activities are associated with going to sleep.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Such therapy works in situations where there is a reason as to which a person feels like they cannot go to sleep. The therapy tries to create reasonable explanations for such feelings.

Medications: There are plenty of sleeping pills available for people to use to help them go to sleep. However, they should not be used until prescribed by a medical professional.


Sleep deprivation is a problem of serious concern and should not be overlooked. The article has highlighted as to why sleep is important and how not getting enough sleep can affect a person. Sleep disorders is usually a problem created by a person for themselves. Therefore the treatment for such sleep deprivation is to have a change in lifestyle and ensuring early bedtime so that more hours are available to sleep. However, if the sleep deprivation is because of other physical problems, one can always look at the treatment techniques as have been mentioned above.

Related Article-

  1. 6 Natural Treatments For High Blood Pressure Without Medication.
  2.  Tips for preventing Gum Problems.

Contact Us:-

Mobile No.- +91 978-395-9155


Tuesday, 11 June 2019

6 Natural Treatments For High Blood Pressure Without Medication

What is blood pressure? What are the results of high blood pressure?

Blood pressure refers to the force/pressure of blood putting against the arteries walls. Blood pressure is a mixture of diastolic and systolic pressure. In systolic pressure blood pressures or forces while the heart beats whereas in diastolic pressure when the heart beats is at rest. Systolic pressure is the top or the first readings, or measurements in blood pressure. In a reading range of 130/80, the first reading 130 signifies systolic pressure while 80 signifies diastolic pressure. In the case of pre-hypertension, systolic pressure measurement ranges from 120-129, whereas diastolic number ranges below 80. High blood pressure is known to have no symptoms. The only way to find out blood pressure is by regularly going for blood pressure checkups.

For adults, blood pressure measurement ranges will include one of four main categories:

Category1: Normal blood pressure-Below 120/80 mm Hg

Category 2: Pre-hypertension- Systolic pressure readings between 120-129 and diastolic pressure readings below 80

Category 3: After Hypertension- Systolic pressure between 130-139 and diastolic pressure readings from 80-89

Category 4: Systolic pressure readings at least from 140 and diastolic reading at least from 90 mm Hg

What are the categories of high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is categorized into two main types: primary high blood pressure and secondary high blood pressure.

Primary: it is one of the most common high blood pressure. Those who suffer from this type of blood pressure develop chances of having it as they get older. It occurs due to bad eating habits or Effects Of Sedentary Lifestyle.

Treatment: To treat primary high blood pressure, certain changes in lifestyle and eating habits can reduce reoccurring the chances of this type of high blood pressure.

Secondary: it occurs because of other medical conditions or in case of consumption of certain medicines.

Treatment: It can be treated by eating high fibers foods and more consumption of fish oil and potassium.

Results/outcome of high blood pressure includes:

·       Heart failure
·       Arterial damage
·       Ruptured or blocked blood vessels
·       Aneurysm
·       Vision loss
·       Poor kidney function
·       Metabolic syndrome- a group of metabolic disorders like high insulin and cholesterol, increased waste and atherosclerosis
·       Poor concentration and memory loss

Generally, there are no signs and symptoms of high blood pressure, but as the pressure increases, the warning symptoms can include confusion, pains, headaches, irregular heartbeat, tiredness, nosebleeds, or vision change.

Reasons/causes behind high blood pressure include:

·       Excessive consumption of Alcohol
·       Very high-salt diet
·       Emotional or mental stress
·       Regular smoking
·       Caffeine
·       Physical inactivity
·       Obesity
·       Birth control pills

Preventing High Blood Pressure

There are so many foods that work preventing high blood pressure and also work to supplement in order to lower down blood pressure and help change lifestyle. Below high blood pressure remedies can be easily incorporated.

·       Increase the intake of fish oil (minimum 1,500 mg daily)

The main cause of behind high blood pressure is due to inflammation in arteries walls. Studies have proved, consumption of a considerable amount of fish oil reduces inflammation.

·       Boost up potassium levels

Potassium is one of the essential elements, and high potassium fruits and vegetables like melon and avocado help stand against the effects of sodium in the body. Some of the best fruits to increase potassium levels are by consuming bananas and coconut water.

·       High-fiber foods

 The best way to lower down high blood pressure is by consuming unprocessed foods and maintains High Blood Pressure Diet. Eating high fibers fruits and vegetable help in maintaining cholesterol levels in the body as cholesterol is one of the important factors behind high blood pressure.

·       Quit smoking

A single puff of cigarette makes a major impact on blood pressure. By quitting smoking Addiction, one can lower down high blood pressure to normal blood pressure. Quitting smoking habits not only helps bring down blood pressure but also reduces the chances of heart diseases.

·       Reduce your caffeine intake

Caffeine intake increasingly raises the blood pressure readings in those who on a regular basis consume it. People who barely consume coffee or other caffeine drinks usually experience no effect.

·       Stressful life

Chronic stress or mental disorders contribute to high blood pressure. Some to deal with occasional stress also end up suffering from high blood pressure. By taking out time consider finding out what the causes behind stress are and how they can be eliminated.


If you are facing high blood pressure, always consider getting blood pressure checked on a regular basis. By getting support and maintaining awareness, one can be treated well on time. By tracking blood pressure readings help detect the pattern of blood pressure or Everything Health.

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Mobile No.- +91 978-395-9155